What Is the Purpose of an Administrative Review Debriefing Session After a Disaster?

  • Periodical Listing
  • Cureus
  • v.12(6); 2020 Jun
  • PMC7320638

Cureus. 2020 Jun; 12(6): e8822.

Critical Consequence Debriefing in a Community Hospital

Monitoring Editor: Alexander Muacevic and John R Adler

Chidiebere V Ugwu

one Pediatrics, Woodhull Medical Eye, Brooklyn, USA

Marsha Medows

1 Pediatrics, Woodhull Medical Center, Brooklyn, U.s.

2 Pediatrics, New York University School of Medicine, New York, USA

Data Don-Pedro

i Pediatrics, Woodhull Medical Center, Brooklyn, USA

Joseph Chan

ane Pediatrics, Woodhull Medical Middle, Brooklyn, U.s.a.

Received 2020 Jun 15; Accepted 2020 Jun 25.



Medical error is currently the third major crusade of death in the United states after cardiac disease and cancer.A significant number of root cause analyses performed revealed that medical errors are mostly attributed to homo errors and advice gaps. Debriefing has been identified as a major tool used in identifying medical errors, improving advice, reviewing team performance, and providing emotional support post-obit a critical consequence. Despite being aware of the importance of debriefing, most healthcare providers fail to make use of this tool on a regular ground, and very few studies take been conducted in regard to the practise of debriefing. This study ascertains the frequency, current practice, and limitations of debriefing post-obit critical events in a customs hospital.


This was a cross-sectional observational written report conducted amid attending physicians, physician assistants, residents, and nurses who piece of work in high acuity areas located in the study location. Data on electric current debriefing practices were obtained and analyzed using descriptive statistics.


A total of 130 respondents participated in this study. Following a critical event in their department, 65 (l%) respondents reported lilliputian (<25% of the fourth dimension) or no exercise of debriefing and merely twenty (xv.4%) respondents reported frequent exercise (>75% of the time). Debriefing was washed more than than one time a week every bit reported by 35 (26.9%) of the respondents and was led by attention physicians 77 (59.2%). The debrief session sometimes occurred immediately following a critical event (46.ix%). Although 118 (90%) of the respondents feel that at that place is a need to receive some training on debriefing, only 51 (39%) of the respondents have received some form of formal preparation on the practice of debriefing. Among the healthcare providers who had some course of debriefing in their practice, the few debrief sessions held were to discuss medical management, place bug with systems/processes, and provide emotional support. Increased workload was identified by 92 (70.viii%) respondents as the major limitations to the practice of debriefing. Most respondents support that debriefing should be done immediately after a disquisitional event such as death of a patient (123 [94.half-dozen%]), trauma resuscitation (108 [83.1%]), cardiopulmonary arrest (122 [93.8%]), and multiple casualty/disasters (95 [73.1%]).


In order to reduce medical errors, hospitals and its management team must create an environment that will encourage all patient intendance workers to have a debriefing session post-obit every critical issue. This tin can be accomplished by organizing formal training, creating a template/format for debriefing, and encouraging all infirmary units to make this an integral role of their work procedure.

Keywords: debriefing, critical events, resuscitation, feedback


The task of managing a critically ill patient can exist very enervating for medical personnel working in the intensive care unit and emergency room. I common action in both settings is resuscitation, which is defined as a series of interventions conducted by a trained team aimed at restoring and/or supporting vital function in a critically ill patient [1]. Due to the complexity of resuscitation processes, patient care is not always delivered optimally. Human systems and occupational sciences literature on the optimization of team operation suggest that debriefing following critical incidents can optimize team functioning [2-iv].

In the United states of america, medical error has become the tertiary major crusade of expiry following cardiac disease and cancer [5]. Several root crusade analyses performed revealed that medical errors are mostly attributed to errors of commission, omission, and advice [6]. Debriefing offers a healthcare team the opportunity to re-examine the clinical run into, discuss private and team performance, identify errors, and develop performance improvement strategies through reflective learning processes [vii-9]. Even though real-time clinical event debriefing tin be challenging to implement, it has been identified as an important aspect of effective clinical education, quality improvement, and systems learning. Debriefing tin can also aid protect and support those exposed to disquisitional incidents by minimizing aberrant stress responses [10]. Across its potential to improve individual and team functioning, the International Liaison Commission on Resuscitation (ILCOR) identified the impact of debriefing on actual patient outcomes as an important area of research [11]. Despite these endorsements, this educational intervention is all the same relatively novel in medicine. Few institutions have formal guidelines and standards on team debriefing after disquisitional incidents such equally a failed resuscitation [12-fourteen].

Debriefing is a conversational session that revolves around sharing and examining data later on a specific event has taken identify. It may follow a simulated or actual experience and provides a forum for the learners to reverberate on the experience and acquire from their mistakes [xv]. Originating from the military and aviation industry, debriefing is used daily to reverberate and meliorate the performance in other high-risk industries. Expert debriefers may facilitate the reflection past asking open-ended questions to probe into the framework of the learners and use lessons learned to future situations. Debriefing has been proven to meliorate clinical outcomes such equally the render of spontaneous circulation after cardiac abort and the teaching of teamwork and communication in pediatrics [13].

Debriefing is gratuitous of toll and has been perceived by most trainees equally useful. It has a do good of improving behavior and strengthening squad cohesiveness for improved quality and safe in everyday clinical practise [15,16].

Even with all these proven benefits, there is a paucity of data on the practice of debriefing amongst healthcare workers in a community hospital setting.

The aim of this written report was to appraise the current practice and limitations of debriefing and to define the all-time timing, effectiveness, need for training, use of established format, and expected goals of debriefing among wellness care workers in a community hospital.

Materials and methods

Study design

The researcher in collaboration with other experts designed a 20-question survey that independent inquiries about debriefing after a disquisitional event.

Healthcare workers with direct patient contact were recruited from adult and pediatric emergency rooms, adult intensive care unit, and neonatal intensive intendance unit, which had a high rate of disquisitional events at the report facility. Staff members working in these areas were approached at random by investigators request them if they will be interested in participating in a survey on debriefing. The individuals who agreed were taken to a private workspace surface area (e.g. consulting room behind closed doors) and given more information well-nigh the written report and a verbal consent obtained. Surveys were administered, giving respondents plenty fourth dimension and privacy to answer questions. This activity was carried out over a menses of ii months, which was plenty to capture virtually of the healthcare workers in those departments. Participation was voluntary and risk-free (as they were anonymous) and participants were given an option to cease at any time or choose non to answer whatever of the questions if they felt uncomfortable doing so. This study met the criteria for exempt condition after being reviewed by the institutional review board at the study facility.

Effect measures

Demographic data of each participant (position and years of clinical experience) was obtained. The current practise of debriefing after a critical result was collected, including data on who leads debriefing sessions, how often, how constructive, how soon or frequent, and what happens during debriefing sessions.

We also asked participants if they accept had whatever prior preparation, if there is a need for training, what kind of events should be debriefed, if they had any established format, if they experience debriefing was of import, and about their perceived goals and barriers to performing debriefing in their various departments.

Data analysis

The current practise, knowledge, and barriers to debriefing following a disquisitional event in a community hospital were assessed using descriptive statistical analysis. Data were compiled and analyzed using SPSS Statistics Version 25 (IBM Corp., Armonk, NY, USA).


A total of 130 healthcare workers completed the survey. As presented in Figure1, majority, i.e., 43 (33%), of all respondents were nurses, whereas 38 (29%) were from internal medicine residents and 26 (20%) were pediatric residents. Most respondents, i.eastward., 52 (twoscore%), had less than two years of experience, whereas 32 (24%) reported having >ten years' experience in healthcare.

An external file that holds a picture, illustration, etc.  Object name is cureus-0012-00000008822-i01.jpg

Part of respondents in the hospital.

Practice of debriefing

The frequency of debriefing is represented in Figureii. Most respondents, i.e., 65 (50%), reported to have never/rarely been part of a debriefing session, whereas only xx (15%) of respondents reported being always engaged in this practise.

An external file that holds a picture, illustration, etc.  Object name is cureus-0012-00000008822-i02.jpg

Frequency of debriefing among respondents.

The practice of debriefing among healthcare providers in a community infirmary is shown in Table1. A good number of respondents currently debrief immediately after a critical upshot and are ordinarily led past the attending dr. involving more often than not clinical members of the squad. Discussions were mostly nigh medical management and identifying issues with systems and processes.

Tabular array 1

Practice of debriefing among respondents

Current Practices n %
Frequency of disquisitional event in your section?
Once a week or more 35 27.iii
Once in 2 weeks 29 22.7
Once a month 28 21.9
Rare (none in a month) 36 28.ane
Take you ever received any sort of preparation on debriefing?
Yes 73 61.2
No 50 38.viii
When exercise debriefings occur?
Immediately following the upshot 61 47.vii
24-72 hours after 30 23.4
3-7 days 10 7.8
After a week or later 1 0.8
Departmental meetings 9 7.0
Never 17 13.three
How constructive are debriefing sessions in your department?
Very effective 39 33.nine
Somewhat effective 57 49.6
Not effective xix xvi.five
Who facilitates debriefing in your department?
Attending physician 77 64.7
Residents 23 19.3
Nurse 7 5.9
Social worker 1 0.8
Other hospital staff/anyone ii 1.vii
Nobody 9 vii.6
Who attends debriefing sessions in your section?
Attending physician
Aye 92 70.viii
No 38 29.two
Doc assistants
Yes 57 43.8
No 73 56.2
Yeah 105 80.8
No 25 nineteen.2
Yes 84 64.6
No 46 35.4
How effective are debriefing sessions in your section?
Always constructive 111 85.iv
Somewhat constructive sixteen 12.iii
Barely constructive 1 0.8
I don't know ii one.5
Practice y'all recall in that location is a need for preparation on debriefing at your facility?
Yeah 118 91.5
No 11 eight.5
Practise yous accept a tool/template/format for debriefing?
Yes 12 9.6
No 113 xc.4

Cognition and attitude towards debriefing

The perception of the platonic practice of debriefing later on a critical issue is shown in Tableii. Most respondents agree that the practice of debriefing is very useful and is an important tool that will improve patient rubber outcome. Majority of respondents also agreed that this exercise should be conducted immediately without whatever filibuster. Debriefing sessions should be facilitated by an attending doctor, and disquisitional events such equally death of a patient, cardiopulmonary arrest, multiple casualty/disaster, and trauma resuscitation should be debriefed.​​​​​​​

Tabular array 2

Platonic do of debriefing

Ideal Practice n %
When should debriefings be conducted
Immediately 102 78.v
24-72 hours 23 17.7
3-7 days 3 two.3
At departmental meetings ii i.v
Who should facilitate debriefings
Attention physician 75 57.7
Residents 17 13.1
Nurse two one.5
Social worker 1 0.eight
All healthcare workers 29 22.3
Trained personnel 5 iii.8
What disquisitional events should be debriefed
Death of a patient should be debriefed
Aye 123 94.six
No 7 5.4
Trauma resuscitation should be debriefed
Yes 108 83.1
No 22 xvi.9
Cardiopulmonary abort should be debriefed
Yes 122 93.8
No 8 6.2
Shock should be debriefed
Yes 86 66.2
No 44 33.8
Status epilepticus should be debriefed
Yes 75 57.seven
No 55 42.3
Multiple casualty/disasters should be debriefed
Yes 95 73.1
No 35 26.9
Debriefing is important for patient safety
Yes 129 99.2
No 1 0.8

The respondents reported that the goal of debriefing should be to review medical care, discuss errors, develop guidelines/protocols, discuss teamwork, build squad morale, and provide emotional support (Figure iii).

An external file that holds a picture, illustration, etc.  Object name is cureus-0012-00000008822-i03.jpg

Barriers to debriefing in a community hospital as reported by doctors and nurses are shown in Table3. Nigh respondents reported that they have not received any formal preparation on debriefing and agree that in that location is a need for i. Majority also reported that in that location is no template, format, or tool for debriefing. Increased workload was reported by the respondents as the major barrier to debriefing, whereas other barriers include lack of trained facilitators, lack of authoritative support, not feeling comfortable because of criticism, and lack of interest by team members.​​​​​​​

Table 3

Barriers to debriefing

Barriers n %
Yeah 92 seventy.viii
No 38 29.2
No identified interest/need
Yes 31 23.8
No 99 76.2
Lack of trained facilitators
Yes 45 34.6
No 85 65.4
No appropriate setting available
Yeah 27 20.8
No 103 79.two
Not comfortable discussing the event
Aye 18 thirteen.eight
No 112 86.2
Felt criticized/judged
Yeah 30 23.1
No 100 76.9
Too soon or too late
Yes 27 xx.8
No 103 79.two
Lack of authoritative back up
Yes 48 36.9
No 82 63.1


Customs healthcare workers believe that critical outcome debriefing provides an artery to review medical care, hash out errors, develop guidelines, build team morale, and provide emotional support [17-20]. In clinical settings where debriefing is carried out effectively, at that place is bear witness that debriefing sessions can be used as an opportunity to foster learning and help healthcare workers reflect on both their personal and professional values and judgment. Effective debriefing sessions are aided by construction, support, and role-modeling [fourteen].

Although this report revealed that debriefing was done just a few times subsequently a critical event, healthcare workers mostly feel that debriefing should always occur after medical trauma or resuscitation [21,22]. Respondents in this study also prioritized multiple prey/disaster incidents and death of a patient as other events that should be debriefed. These critical events are perceived by healthcare workers as pitiful situations, with undesirable emotional impacts, and, in most cases, make the providers a second victim. Most providers agreed that debriefing is an important practice and that it has the potential to improve patient outcomes.

Similar to other studies, healthcare workers in this community infirmary felt that critical issue debriefing should happen immediately after the event and should be led past an attention physician [20,23]. The respondents also felt that discussion of medical management and identifying problems with systems and processes were generally handled during these sessions with less attention to emotional support. This may exist due to time constraint and people's inability/unwillingness to limited or communicate their feelings. However, it is of import to note that a brusk review study carried out by Timms in 2019 amidst emergency section (ED) providers concluded that although there was no prove about the efficacy of team debriefing in the ED, providers were desirous to have a debrief session subsequently critical events. She also proposed that more inquiry should be carried out to properly ascertain the benefits of debriefing [24].

Findings from this study indicate that nearly providers take never received whatever class of training on debriefing and strongly agree to the demand for such grooming. A training like this volition equip facilitators on how to run an efficient debriefing session, providing guidance on the key areas that need to be focused on. We as well believe that in that location is a need to inculcate lessons on debriefing into the curriculum of all healthcare workers during their professional training. Additionally, respondents reported that in that location was no format for debriefing in their departments and that they will prefer to utilise one. The utilise of format during debriefing serves every bit a guide that allows conversations to unfold in an orderly mode, promotes efficient utilise of time, keeps the give-and-take on track, and focuses the conversation on important learning objectives [23].

Majority of customs healthcare providers reported that barriers to debriefing were in line with those described in previous studies, which were more often than not due to increased workload and lack of trained facilitators or established guidelines [twenty,25]. This finding contrasts with that of a recent study that described communication as the major barrier in their clinical setting [26]. While the busy and e'er-changing temper of ED and critical care areas where these events happen remains unpredictable, nosotros believe that providing a structure for timely debriefing in the day-to-day schedule volition create an opportunity for less interference with piece of work activity.

Observing the impact and importance of debriefing in reducing medical errors, at that place is a demand for more big studies that are focused on efficacy of debriefing, best formats, setting, and timings, which volition yield the highest outcome. Debriefing should exist made a cadre part of medical didactics for current practitioners and students who are function of the healthcare manufacture.


A cross-sectional report like this is discipline to non-response bias; participants had the option to opt out of the study if they did not feel comfy answering the questions. This can create a bias in the measured outcome. There is a possibility of a recollect bias, equally respondents were asked to recall their practise of debriefing over an unspecified menses. We had a limited number of respondents in this study every bit it was carried out in a community hospital with a low staff population; therefore, a larger study will be able to portray these practices with increased power. There is also a possibility of a volunteer bias, every bit the people that agreed to participate in this study may non be representative of the entire population.


Customs healthcare providers rarely practice debriefing even when they know it is an important tool. Although nigh of them do non have any standardized format or training on debriefing, they believe that debriefing afterwards critical events such equally patients' death and cardiopulmonary resuscitation will meliorate medical care and patient outcome. Debriefing being a vital tool in healthcare should exist fabricated a core part of training curriculum for its professionals.


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Source: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7320638/

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